Finished at last! After much review and revision of my primary drafts, I can finally say I have a complete final draft for my textual analysis and summary. Although I had a rough start, I can honestly the process of polishing up my reports gave me the opportunity to gain some new knowledge and skills in the writing area. When I completed my first draft of the textual analysis, I felt ok about the draft but knew it could get better. I didn’t know how to go about doing so, and ended up just waiting for advice from my classmates. After Tuesday’s trade and read in class, I took my group members opinions and applied them to my second sloppy copy. The excess summary in my textual analysis turned into less summarizing and more of a break down explanation. Also I edited a few grammar errors and polished up some of my word choice.
After my conference with Mrs. Barker on Thursday I realized I needed to address the audience. I did just that and felt my report was much more improved. Since the readers now knew Carter’s background and purpose in writing the article, the analysis took on a whole new meaning. Even though I didn’t think the rhetorical situations were of mighty importance, after completing each of the writing assignments I feel the complete opposite. Hopefully with future writing assignments I will remember to use all of the new techniques and verb usage that I discovered in the process of writing my summary and textual analysis.
After my conference with Mrs. Barker on Thursday I realized I needed to address the audience. I did just that and felt my report was much more improved. Since the readers now knew Carter’s background and purpose in writing the article, the analysis took on a whole new meaning. Even though I didn’t think the rhetorical situations were of mighty importance, after completing each of the writing assignments I feel the complete opposite. Hopefully with future writing assignments I will remember to use all of the new techniques and verb usage that I discovered in the process of writing my summary and textual analysis.
I have to agree that the proof reading sessions in class helped a lot, along with the conference we had with Mrs. Barker! I also made similar changes to the ones you made.