Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Advertisement Today

Advertisements in today’s world have become a little ridiculous. No matter what the ad is promoting or how old the models portrayed are, a sexual content is somehow always incorporated. As we saw with the video in class, females are believed to be the more passive individual when compared to the male. They always relay the message that innocence is their best bet in finding true love because they will then be more vulnerable. Half-naked women with the ‘perfect’ body type are seen everywhere from TV commercials to bus advertisements. Take for instance Abercrombie & Fitch shopping bags. Beautiful models are depicted with six packs, and flawless stomachs. Perhaps designers of these bags plan to con the consumer into purchasing Abercrombie clothing so they will look beautiful and be desired by the opposite sex. Whatever happened to the inner beauty of the individual? Does every male desire a skinny model with the perfect everything? Obviously body types are largely a result of genetics and only a small percentage of Americans have the ‘perfect’ body. In a sense, advertisements are just getting men’s hopes up and causing women to believe that they are in fact, undesirable. Instead, advertising agencies should base ads on more lasting characteristics.
Maybe if more ‘meaty’ models would be used portraying kindness and stableness, problems such as anorexia and bulimia wouldn’t be so major in today’s society. Girls begin to feel the need to lose weight and obtain the perfect body type at such a young age and give anything to feel desired. Although advertisements aren’t the only cause of such conflicts, they widely contribute to it and something should be done to fix their message.


  1. I completely agree with your opinion. It's almost as though inner beauty has disappeared and outer beauty has taken over, it's pretty sad. =/

  2. I also totally agree with you. Models nowadays have to be like 5'9" at the smallest, yet still weigh probably 115 pounds. It's just ridiculous and isn't even what the majority of Americans look like. It's so sad..
